Registration |
09:30-09:45 |
Opening Session (Auditorium)
Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo, Director of FEUP. Welcome Paulo Pinho, Director of CITTA. Welcome
09:45-11:00 |
Session 1. Innovation in governance and decision making in planning (Auditorium)
Paulo Pinho (Chair)
Keynote speeches
Paul Kantor, Fordham University - The Politics of City Region Innovation: A Realistic Perspective Kenneth Button, George Mason University - Issues in forecasting and governance in urban policy making
CITTA Research Project
Carlos Oliveira, Isabel Breda-Vázquez - Institutional change and continuity: inter-municipal co-ordination and territorial governance
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break / Posters Presentation |
11:30-13:00 |
Session 2. Innovative Governance in Urban Policies (Auditorium)
Isabel Breda-Vázquez, Paulo Conceição (Chairs)
Keynote speaker
João Ferrão, Universidade de Lisboa - Governança Urbana em Portugal: entre princípios e resultados, um balanço encorajador? (Urban Governance in Portugal: between principles and results, a promising balance?)
Peter Schmitt - Striving for Policentricity - A driver to rework governance capacities in European Metropolitan Areas? 
Eduardo Anselmo Castro, Fernando Nogueira - Strategic spatial planning in Portugal: practice innovation and local governance challenges 
Jan Bucek - Support of governance in Slovak cities by participative strategic planning 
Isabel Coimbra - Participatory Budgeting: the case study of Lisbon 
Paulo Pisco, Jorge Batista e Silva - Could School Urbanism be an answer? 
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch (on your own |
14:30-16:00 |
Session 3. Innovation in Transport Planning and Governance (Auditorium)
Álvaro Costa, Sandra Melo (Chairs)
Keynote speaker
Tiago Farias, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Innovation in Transports: adapting to change and inspiring new bahaviors
Lisa Rayle, Christopher Zegras - The emergence of inter-municipal collaboration in Portuguese metropolitan planning 
Álvaro Costa, Vera Palma, Sandra Melo - Managing road infrastructures through pricing policies 
Antonio Babo, Marta Oliveira, Miguel Pimentel - Managing the Transition to Soft Mobility Solutions - a Portuguese city case study 
Anabela Ribeiro, Gonçalo Correia, Inês Frade - Methodology to determine a cycle network in a city 
Filipe Moura, José Manuel Viegas - Fostering the transition to new technologies with car organ transplant 
16:00-16:15 |
Session 4. Innovation in Environmental Planning Assessment (Auditorium) |
Keynote speaker
Thorsten Wiechmann,TU Dortmund – Making Places in increasingly Empty Spaces – Strategies and Failure in Shrinking Cities
16:15-16:45 |
Coffee break |
16:45-18:00 |
Parallel session 4A (Auditorium)
Sara Santos Cruz (Chair)
Karina Pallagst - Greening the Shrinking City- a new planning approach in the USA 
Helen Mulligan - The Filigree City: environmental sustainability issues under conditions of retrenchment 
Stephen Platt - Are exurbs a sustainable city form? 
Paulo Pinho, Sara Santos Cruz, Vitor Oliveira, Magda Barbosa, Mafalda Silva - The metabolic impact assessment of planning interventions in two European cities: Oporto and Vienna 
Julio Soria, Luis Valenzuela, Paulo Pinho - A method to identify mobility environments in metropolitan transport corridors: a case study in Granada 
Andreia Soares, Anabela Ribeiro - Application of urban sustainability indicators to the city of Coimbra 
16:45-18:00 |
Parallel session 4B (Sala de Actos)
Fernando Brandão Alves (Chair)
Olivier Sykes, Tom Gore and Thomas Fischer - Making the case for Participatory Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) – fostering regional and local involvement in the drafting process of EU directives 
Mojca Šašek - Planning and Environmental Assessment 
Naja Marot - Regulatory impact assessment – a tool towards better territorial governance? 
Karel Schmeidler - Transport Planning in Shrinking Cities 
Ruiz Talavera, Luis Valenzuela - Pedestrian accessibility to public space: the implication of the urban form in the city of Granada 
F. Brandão Alves, Lara Mendes - Inclusive urban design for the future – elderly deserve a better living in their residential area 
18:00-18:30 |
Closing Session (Auditorium)
Artur Rosa Pires, Universidade de Aveiro
Paulo Pinho, Director of CITT