Call for Papers
Call for abstract
The Organizing Committee of CITTA 7th Annual Conference on Planning Research would like to invite you to share your research work with us, submitting an abstract to one of the following tracks:
Track B1. Urban and Environmental Planning Support Systems
Track B2. Transport Planning Support Systems
If your research focuses on accessibility-based planning support systems, please consider submitting your abstract to one of the tracks of the joint conference:
Track A1. Accessibility Instruments in Planning Practice
Track A2. Measuring Accessibility (special session of NECTAR Cluster 6)
Track A3. Accessibility Planning
Note: submission of work to these tracks is not available to authors only registered for the 7th CITTA conference - 24th October. In this case, registration for the joint conference is required.
Submit Paper
Papers should be submitted by e-mail to using the provided template (download here).
Inclusion of presentations in the final programme is conditional to the submission of full papers (by 30th July 2014) and registration of the presenting author (by 15th September 2014).
All papers will be published in the book of proceedings (with ISBN). Two special issues are being prepared for the best conference papers on the following themes:
- Bridging the Implementation Gap of Planning Support Systems
Accessibility Instruments in Planning Practice - You will find within the template the possibility to take your paper in consideration for inclusion in the Special Issues.