
Programme Overview

The 7th CITTA Conference will be held on the 24th of October 2014, during the second day of the Final Conference of the COST Action TU1002 on Accessibility Instruments in Planning Practice. The figure below shows the programme overview of the joint event, highlighting the sessions shared with the CITTA 7th Annual Conference (24th October). On this day the debate on bridging the implementation gap of Planning Support Systems will be opened to other (non-accessibility-based) planning support instruments with two tracks added by the CITTA conference on Environment and Urban PSS and on Transport PSS.

This day offers morning plenary sessions with keynote speeches on the dichotomy of the usefulness of planning support information and/or technology and of the lack of implementation of such support in practice. The closing plenary session promotes a wide debate on how to bridge the implementation gap, searching for recommendations for the design of more useful PSS in the future. This debate will built on the main outcomes and findings of the parallel sessions and on the main conclusions of the COST TU1002 research on usability of accessibility-based PSS (looking at the perception of planning practitioners).

In order to participate in the whole discussions around the implementation gap of PSS with particular emphasis on the use (or lack thereof) of accessibility-based PSS, participants may choose to register for the two day event (23rd and 24th of October) taking part in the plenary discussions on Accessibility Measuring, Accessibility Planning and Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice and in the parallel sessions dedicated to accessibility measures, instruments and planning.

For more information on the COST TU1002 Final Conference click here.

Themes of Plenary Sessions (Joint Event):

Plenary Session 1: From Accessibility Measuring to Accessibility Planning

Plenary Session 2: Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice

Plenary Session 3: Planning Support and the Implementation Gap

Closing Plenary Session: Bridging the Implementation Gap

Full Program

The full programme (24th October) can be downloaded here.

If you are looking for the programme for the joint event (23rd – 24th October), download it here.

Note: Registration for the CITTA conference will give access to the 2nd day of the joint conference (24th October) opening the debate on the implantation gap to other (non-accessibility-based) PSS and enables presentations in Track B1 and Track B2 (for more information on tracks see Call for Papers).