
Friday, 14 May 2010




Paulo Pinho, Director of CITTA

Vitor Campos, Director of DGOTDU - Opening address



Chair: Fernando Brandão Alves

CITTA Research project: Vítor Oliveira - The study of urban form in CITTA pdf_icon

Keynote speeches:

Manuel Teixeira - The return to urban design pdf_icon

Ali Madanipour - Public-private relations and urban form pdf_icon

Chair: Paulo Pinho

CITTA Research project: Miguel Serra - The study of suburban morphology in CITTA pdf_icon

Keynote speeches:

Elisabete Silva - Cells and Agents: modelling the spatial and a-spatial city pdf_icon

Mário Kruger - The structure of urban form as a basis for attracting business: the case of Coimbra pdf_icon

Bill Hillier, University College London

16:30-17:00 COFFEE BREAK


Planning and environment assessment 1

Chair: S Cruz, V Oliveira

B Manum, D Voisin - Urban form correlates of daily trave pdf_icon

G Miranda, C Monteiro - Are the fairs for all? pdf_icon

A McCormack - The role of a form-led approach in the expansion of Irish Towns pdf_icon

P Pinho, V Oliveira, S Santos, M Barbosa - Bringing urban form and urban metabolism into planning - the SUME project pdf_icon

J Gil, N Montenegro, J Beirão, J Duarte - On the discovery of urban typologies pdf_icon

F Serdoura, H Almeida - Urban centralities. Places of liability pdf_icon

K Rahaman, J Lourenço - Evaluating walkability in Guimarães city centre, Portugal pdf_icon

L Barbosa, D Almeida - The sixth façade, Porto case study pdf_icon

J Granadeiro, F Alves - Alternative (bioclimatic) urban design for compact urban fabrics pdf_icon

Planning and environment assessment 2
Chair: C Silva, A Perdicoúlis

P Almeida - The cities, the people and the environment pdf_icon

A Barros, H Cabral - Urban sustainability policies at local level pdf_icon

E Costa, J Rocha, M Rodrigues, P Abrantes - Sustainable urban form – methodological approach for Portugal pdf_icon

J Carvalho, C Pais - A methodology to delimit and characterize local scale territorial units pdf_icon

P Pinho, C Silva, P Naess, J Reis, F Sousa, F Giulietti, M Torres - Balancing how urban structure constraints and influences travel behaviour pdf_icon

A Monteiro, S Velho, J Góis, F Esteves, H Madureira - Greater Metropolitan Area of Porto, indicators characterizing the urban form pdf_icon

A Quintas, M Curado - The urban green structure: form and function pdf_icon

M Pereira - Morphology and urban form, the planning of new territories pdf_icon

P Pinho, S Cruz, V Oliveira, S Sousa, A Martins - A resilient perspective in the evaluation of land-use policies pdf_icon

Planning and environment assessment 3
E Rebelo, A Monteiro

L Verdelli - Shaping the historic centres of today between architectural heritage and sustainable development planning pdf_icon

E Freire, C Serrano - Public space & human physical and mental health pdf_icon

P Neves - Urban art analysis pdf_icon

M Saraiva, P Pinho - The impact of commercial activity on the form and structure of the city pdf_icon

J Geraldi - Social-environmental controversy: the new Guarituba project pdf_icon

S Afrin, C Matos, L Ramos, I Bentes, J Lourenço - Planning policies and infraestructural development: the case of Vila Real municipality pdf_icon

S Sousa, P Pinho - Shrinkage in Portugal: a concern or a hidden world? pdf_icon

E Rebelo - Urban form versus economic interests: an unstable balance pdf_icon

A Monteiro, S Velho, C Sousa - Porto’s diabetes’s prevalence - a good reason to rethink urban planning pdf_icon

Urban planning and housing 1
Chair: I Breda-Vázquez, C Oliveira

J Silva, F Meneses - Urban sprawl in Portuguese medium cities pdf_icon

C Delgado - Public participation in urban planning as a way to achieve urban life quality pdf_icon

C Oliveira, I Breda-Vázquez - The Europeanization of territorial policies and intermunicipal cooperation: some evidence from Portugal and Italy pdf_icon

N Pereira, R Bento, I Bentes, L Ramos, J Lourenço - Evaluating the impact of territory plans on urban compactness pdf_icon

T Calix - Porto morphological territories pdf_icon

V Diogo, T Marques, P Guerra - Social innovation dynamics pdf_icon

R Lucas - Urban regeneration of small industry areas pdf_icon

I Breda-Vázquez, C Oliveira, R Guimarães, R Dias, D Silva - The role of urban amenities in attracting creativity: lessons from Porto city-centre pdf_icon

R Cardoso - Space matters: fine-tuning the variable geometry of cities pdf_icon

F Selicato F Rotondo - The role of urban design in suburbs regeneration process pdf_icon

Urban planning and housing 2
Chair: P Conceição, F Sousa

T Trindade, G Furtado, M Serra - Analyzing the configurational impacts of architectural intentions pdf_icon

P Cabaço - Municipal cemeteries of Lisbon, strategies for the reintegration of Thanatos in Polis pdf_icon

L Guimarães - Permanence and evolution in the hidden city pdf_icon

Martins - The persistence of the type pdf_icon

I Martins, G Furtado - A reflection based on Sergio Fernandez’s residential projects pdf_icon

J Vasconcelos, E Freire, R Almendra, J Machado - Assessing the impact of poor housing conditions on human health in Portugal pdf_icon

L Silva, V Leal, J Carvalho - Impact of Urban forms in the thermal performance of the buildings according to method of the RCCTE pdf_icon

D Pérez, E Fávero - The solar envelope as instrument of regulation of access to the sun pdf_icon

F Serpa - Urban form is not alone pdf_icon

F Sá, J Carvalho - Well-sized public spaces pdf_icon

Urban planning and housing 3
Chair: F Malafaya, C Rocha

S Sucena - Instruments of form in form-deprived urban territories pdf_icon

N Green - To-morrow: Arriving soon in a region near you? pdf_icon

Mendes, E Costa, J Rocha, M Rodrigues, N Costa - Daily practices and mobility in residential areas pdf_icon

A Barros, V Medeiros, M Morais - Spatial segregation and urban accessibility in Brazilian Cities pdf_icon

A Nogueira, T Heitor, M Bacharel, G Rodrigues, A Pedroso - Visual analysis methodologies based on virtual reality (VR) technology pdf_icon

Freire, T Santos - Housing, mobility and public spaces: humans’ life quality constraints pdf_icon

D Viana - Maputo: between density, fragmentation and formless? pdf_icon

A Brandão - Arco Ribeirinho Sul, how do we design for a future that we don’t know? pdf_icon

Ferreira, P Neto - Public spaces form: a possible analytical framework pdf_icon

S Alves, G Furtado - Creative cities: the role of architecture in Oporto creative city project pdf_icon

Transport planning and logistics
Chair: A Costa, S Melo

M Spandou, C Garcia, R Macário - Urban revitalization and transport pdf_icon

V Palma, A Costa, M de Bok, S Melo - Estimation of a choice model for long distance travel in the Portuguese National Transport Model pdf_icon

A Lobo, A Couto - Operational performance of European metro systems pdf_icon

M Lopes, P Gomes, H Martins, J Carvalho - Internal and external costs of transport in Portugal pdf_icon

C Oliveira, J Sousa, M de Bok - Strategies for locating charge points for electrical car batteries in urban regions pdf_icon

E Costa, A Louro - Mobility in daily life - two case studies in Lisbon Metropolitan Area pdf_icon

C Cadima, P Pinho - The mobility patterns of FEUP’s students pdf_icon

R Neiva, A Costa, M Santos, C Cruz - Valuing flexible airport design through real options pdf_icon

C Rocha, A Costa, O Carvalho - The true cost of noise in Portugal: two case studies highlighted pdf_icon